Skylanders: Super Gulp Pop Fizz (Series 2) - Naviacraft Studios AB

Skylanders: Super Gulp Pop Fizz (Series 2)

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Character Story

Pop Fizz is a short and stubby, blue gremlin. At least, he's blue right now, but that could change at any moment. As an alchemist, Pop Fizz spends much of his time making potions, and the rest of his time drinking them.

Everyone who has ever met him agrees that Pop Fizz is a little crazy. Actually he's a lot crazy, and the potions he brews up usually have some pretty wild effects. He once created a potion to make himself more charming and appealing to others.

Unfortunately, when he drank it, he became a huge angry rage monster. Since then, his potions caused him to change colour, lose his memory and, on more than one occasion, violently explode. Despite this, he always keeps some potion close to hand, not just for the special abilities it gives him, but because it always tastes "soda-licious".

Basic Info


Released With: SWAP Force
Series: Series 2
Weight: 41g


Spyro's Adventure: Yes
Giants: Yes
Swap Force: Yes
Trap Team: Yes
Superchargers: Yes
Imaginators: Yes